WebSequenceDiragrams Connector


WebSequenceDiragrams Connector is an easy to use Confluence Macro which embeds a Web Sequence Diagram (WSD) generated by https://www.websequencediagrams.com/ .

It supports adding an API key so that you are able to use the extended syntax, and other benefits.

Embedding a diagram

  1. Open the confluence page you wish to add a WSD to

  2. Start typing /websequencediagram and you should have an option to add a WSD to your page

  3. Initially it will ask you to enter diagram text before an image can be displayed

  4. Click the component which was added to your page

  5. Click the edit button which is displayed

  6. A right hand pane will open

  7. Enter your WSD diagram text and select a title

  8. Ensure you click off the diagram text, and then the diagram in-page will update

  9. Close the right-hand pane to complete your changes

Configuring an API Key

  1. Click the settings cog in the right hand side of the menu bar at the top of the page

  2. Click ‘Manage apps’ on the left hand side menu

  3. Find the ‘WebSequenceDiagrams Connector’ plugin, and open the expandable block

  4. Click ‘Configure’

  5. Enter your API key, and press save